Tick Season in New Jersey
Ticks are prominent in New Jersey. The three most common ticks are all found in New Jersey. The three most common ticks are Blacklegged Tick or Deer Tick, Lone Star Tick, and American Dog Tick. The most common tick-borne diseases in New Jersey are Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and babesiosis.
Some early signs and symptoms of a tick-borne disease might include skin rash, fever, tiredness, headaches, muscle aches, joint pain, and dizziness. If you were bit by a tick and have any of these symptoms please consult your health care professional.
If you find a tick on you, how do you remove it? You should grasp the tick with tweezers as close to the skin as possible, then pull straight up with a steady force. Try to avoid crushing the tick or leaving any part of the tick in your body. Clean the area of your body where the tick is attached with antiseptic. You should not try to burn while it is an attached tick to your skin as it may cause burn injury to the skin. Do not place the tick on tape, as this would make it harder to identify.
You can save a removed tick in a plastic bag and take it to be tested. All residents of Monmouth County are eligible to have ticks tested. Ticks can be submitted in person at Monmouth County Mosquito Control Division which is located at 1901 Wayside Road in Tinton Falls.
What can you do to protect yourself from ticks in New Jersey?
- Use insect repellents as needed.
- Inspect yourself when you come in from outside
- Ticks can be on clothes, so you can remove clothes and tumble dry on high heat for a minimum of 1hour to kill any ticks that may be on your clothes.
- Wear light clothing so you can see the ticks easily.
- Wear long pants and tuck pants in socks (again lighter colors are preferred so you can see ticks).
- Hire a private company, such as Garden State Mosquito & Tick, to treat your property for ticks.
If you still have questions, contact Garden State Mosquito & Tick. We are your local mosquito control experts in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Call 848-888-2560 or contact us here