
Tick Diseases and your Pets in New Jersey


Not only can ticks spread diseases to humans, but they can also spread diseases to your beloved pets in New Jersey. 

Here are some of the diseases that ticks can cause in your pets.

  1. Babesiosis is spread by the Brown Dog Tick.  Dogs can get this disease.  Symptoms include fever, weakness, pale gums, swollen lymph nodes.
  2. Lyme Disease is spread by Black Legged Ticks.  Dogs can get this disease.  Symptoms include fever, joint pain, loss of appetite, tiredness. 
  3. Heartworm is spread by Mosquitoes.  Both dogs and cats can get this disease.  Symptoms include dry cough, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, tiredness.
  4. West Nile Virus is spread by mosquitoes.  Both dogs and cats can get this disease. However unfortunately they usually show no signs or symptoms of this disease.
  5. Brown Dog Tick Infestation or Kennel Ticks spread by the brown dog tick and being in close quarters with other animals.  Both dogs and cats can get this.  This type of tick is was of the only types that can live indoors and infest homes.  In some cases, the pet can get anemia.  Sometimes homes have to be chemically treated to get rid of the infestation. 
  6. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: This disease can be spread by both the American dog tick and the lone star tick.  Only dogs can get this disease.  Symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, swollen nodes, joint pain.  

It can be hard to tell if a pet is sick since they can not talk to you and tell you how they feel.  You can use a pet thermometer to determine if your pet has a fever.  If your pet’s temperature is 103F or higher seek medical attention.  You can check for swollen lymph nodes.  They are located under the jaw, front shoulders, in pits behind from legs, groin, and on the backs of legs behind knees.  You can gently feel if they are swollen.  Pets that experience joint pain may walk stiffer or with a limp.  They might also be sensitive to touch.  Lastly, if you notice your pet is playing less, less interested in food or treats, hiding and lack of energy – those could all be signs that your pet is sick.  If you suspect your pet is sick, you should seek veterinary help. 

Many people want to know if their pet has a vector-borne disease can they catch it from them.  You can not directly catch the disease from your pet, however, if you pet was in an area where they were exposed to the disease and you were with them, chances are likely you were exposed as well. 

If you still have questions, contact Garden State Mosquito & Tick.  We are your local mosquito control experts in New Jersey. Call 848-888-2560 or contact us here