
Why Do Mosquitoes Bite?


Many people ask why do mosquitoes bite or how do mosquitoes bite?  A mosquito uses the sharp end of its mouth to bite a person.  This sharp end is also called a proboscis.  Mosquitoes bite humans for their blood. Blood contains the nutrients that the female mosquito needs to produce the eggs.  Therefore, an interesting fact is that only female mosquitoes bite people.  So, in other words, if you are getting bit by a mosquito, it is a female and she needs your blood to reproduce and make more mosquitoes!  

There is an old wives’ tale that once a mosquito bites a human one time that it will die.  That is not true.  A female mosquito will continue to bite or feed until she is full.  The only way a mosquito will only bite one time is if you smack it and kill it before it can bite you again!

A mosquito’s primary function once it becomes an adult is reproduction!  All they want to do is produce more mosquitoes!!  Male mosquitoes search for female mosquitoes.  They can find them by the vibrations from the female mosquito’s wings.  Both male and female mosquitoes obtain energy from nectar, but again, only the female mosquito utilizes blood.  

Since the male mosquito does not utilize blood, they do not bite, and they cannot transmit diseases. In a female mosquito’s lifetime, she may lay several batches of eggs.  Each time she wants to lay a batch of eggs she needs to feed on blood to get the nutrients she needs to lay her eggs.  A female mosquito can get the blood from several different sources or hosts.  Therefore, this multiple source feeding behavior, is the reason she can transmit diseases.  

The female mosquito can get blood from several different blood sources and can become a vector for transmitting disease.  On a positive note, once she lays several batches of eggs, the female mosquito usually dies.  But on the negative side, she could have possibly transmitted disease and laid several batches of eggs to allow this cycle to continue.  

So, one of your best bets for Mosquito control is to remove any standing water around your New Jersey property.  Mosquitoes breed in standing water.  It is very important for people to check their yards for standing water if you have a mosquito problem.  If you don’t have standing water, your neighbor might have some and that could be where the mosquitoes in your yard are coming from.  Standing water could be in a bucket, an old pool, a bird bath or even something as small as lid that is collecting water.  

If you have old tires in your yard – they are the perfect area for mosquito breeding.  They are dark, cool and contain water.  All things mosquitoes love. Therefore, if you have a mosquito problem in your yard, walk your property and look for any standing water, remove it and that should help to reduce your mosquito problem. 

If you still have a problem, contact Garden State Mosquito & Tick for an evaluation or mosquito treatment.  We are your local mosquito control experts in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Call 848-888-2560 or contact us here